Cats Of Thistle Hill: A Mostly Peaceable Kingdom by Roger A. Caras

Caras, author of A Celebration of Cats and president of the ASPCA, introduces the menagerie at Thistle Hill, his farm in northern Maryland. Though cats occupy center stage, there are diverting stories about other creatures: Maggie, a donkey who pairs off with Humbolt, a llama; Steakums, a steer rescued from a petting zoo; a 23-year-old cow, an alpaca, and a pair of captive-bred macaws. Among the numerous cats and dogs are the cat Xnard, who has appeared in previous books, and Omari, a retriever. Except for the hoofed animals and birds, all the animals have been spayed or neutered. Caras gives practical advice on choosing a cat and dealing with behavior problems. Aileurophiles and pet owners will be captivated by the animals at Thistle Hill.