These Heroes Redefine “Catfishing”
Two Alabama fisherman on the Warrior River were surprised by a kitten swimming toward their boat. After extracting the soggy and very happy kitten from the water, they were shocked…
Two Alabama fisherman on the Warrior River were surprised by a kitten swimming toward their boat. After extracting the soggy and very happy kitten from the water, they were shocked…
Another adorable pair of animal buddies! We suspect the magpie was hand-raised (particularly given its attitude toward the human near the end of the video). If anyone has further information…
Crows and ravens are members of the Corvidae family, commonly called corvids or the crow family. The brain-to-body weight ratios of corvid brains are among the largest in birds, equal to that of…
Thank you to Alexandr Mish for putting together these compilation videos of humans coming to the rescue. Warning: these are tearjerkers.
How sweet is Shadow? Watch as this lovely white German Shepherd Dog gently cuddles this newborn Pygmy goat kid as if it was her own puppy. What a good girl!
Dolphins are one of the world’s most intelligent creatures, but they lack hands with opposable thumbs. Luckily, this wild dolphin knew where to find someone to help. Dive instructor Keller Laros…
To keep his 15 rescue cats happy and busy, home builder Peter Cohen has constructed an elaborate playland of catwalks, tunnels, platforms, and perches throughout his California home. This is…
Another adorable pair of animal buddies! Wally the squirrel likes to hides his goodies in the fur of his buddy Jax, the Bernese Mountain dog. And after retrieving his snacks,…
Cats and ferrets don’t always get along, but when they do, it’s heart-breakingly cute. Check out Ned the cat giving a bath to his ferret buddies. Try not to say,…
What an amazing encounter! Thank goodness for that thick glass keeping the kitties safe from their wild cousin.