The Cat and The Owl
Fum & Gebra are another special addition to our animal buddies (all our animal buddies are special!). Fum is a lovely black cat and Gebra is a barn owl. Be…
Fum & Gebra are another special addition to our animal buddies (all our animal buddies are special!). Fum is a lovely black cat and Gebra is a barn owl. Be…
Horses Never Lie by Mark Rashid In Horses Never Lie, acclaimed horse trainer Mark Rashid breaks new ground by challenging the longstanding belief that a person must become the “alpha leader” in…
Cats Of Thistle Hill: A Mostly Peaceable Kingdom by Roger A. Caras Caras, author of A Celebration of Cats and president of the ASPCA, introduces the menagerie at Thistle Hill, his farm in…
If this animal buddy story from Ireland doesn’t warm your heart, nothing will.
Greg Krueger has spent 15 years turning his home into a wonderland for his cats. The playground includes over 100 yards of catwalks, a choice of hideouts, and whimsical tunnels…
Two Alabama fisherman on the Warrior River were surprised by a kitten swimming toward their boat. After extracting the soggy and very happy kitten from the water, they were shocked…
The Thundering Comeback: The American Bison – A Symbol of Resilience The Great Plains of North America once echoed with the thunder of hooves – a sound synonymous with the…
Crows and ravens are members of the Corvidae family, commonly called corvids or the crow family. The brain-to-body weight ratios of corvid brains are among the largest in birds, equal to that of…
Thank you to Alexandr Mish for putting together these compilation videos of humans coming to the rescue. Warning: these are tearjerkers.
To keep his 15 rescue cats happy and busy, home builder Peter Cohen has constructed an elaborate playland of catwalks, tunnels, platforms, and perches throughout his California home. This is…